Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Trobriands No. 2 - Today's Art Work

Trobriands #2
Roger Smith - 2015
Prints available here.
In the middle of writing my book on living in Papua New Guinea in the late 1970's - early '80's, I felt motivated to produce this work based on traditional Trobriand Island design elements.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Today's Art Work - Turn To Clear Vision

Turn To Clear Vision
Roger Smith - April 2015
On Canvas
Prints of the above are available here.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Retracing Houses I Owned

With the advent of Google's Street View it is relatively easy to see how places we once inhabited have survived or developed into something completely different.

The first house I acutually owned was in Waana Street on the Ohau Channel between Lakes Rotorua and Rotoiti.

The trees that I planted in the mid-1970's can be seen at left, just past the white house on the corner.  They have bushed out somewhat!.  This area has many fishing baches as the water are well stocked in trout.

I kept a dinghy and outboard motor pulled up on the shore at the far end of Waana Street and used to go trolling when the mood took.

In the 1980's my wife and I bought and lived at 50A Scarborough Road on Scarborough Hill in Sumner, Christchurch.

A beautiful spot overlooking Sumner Bay, with the garage on the road and steps down to the house (which is hidden at left by the trees).